Oliver Nakoinz, "Modelle der Polyzentralität", in: Ines Beilke-Voigt and Oliver Nakoinz (Eds.), Enge Nachbarn. Das Problem von Doppelburgen und Mehrfachburgen in der Bronzezeit und im Mittelalter, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017, 125–144
Christaller’s concept of centrality describes a central site that supplies a region or territory with central functions. This paper presents the concept of centrality in general and employs graph-theoretical approaches, density cluster analysis, ideal contour density lines, and traffic networks to investigate whether Lossow and Lebus can be defined as polycentric. Polycentrality implies that more than one center exists in a region and that they complement each other. The different methods used produce contradicting results and are inconclusive regarding the polycentrality of the two sites.
Published In
Ines Beilke-Voigt and Oliver Nakoinz (Eds.), Enge Nachbarn. Das Problem von Doppelburgen und Mehrfachburgen in der Bronzezeit und im Mittelalter, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017