Florian Klimscha, "What Makes the World Go Round? Silenced Consequences of the Introduction of Metallurgy", in: Stefan Burmeister and Reinhard Bernbeck (Eds.), The Interplay of People and Technologies. Archaeological Case Studies on Innovation, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017, 105–139


This paper discusses the underdetermined changes brought about by the introduction of extractive metallurgy in the southern Levant. It takes a long-term-perspective. The author sums up current perspectives with regard to a modified chronology based on calibrated radiocarbon dates before re-evaluating the interconnections between technical innovation and social change. Arguments in favor and against a Schivelbuschian view on extractive copper metallurgy are discussed as well as a variety of social fields in which changes can be detected.

Published In

Stefan Burmeister and Reinhard Bernbeck (Eds.), The Interplay of People and Technologies. Archaeological Case Studies on Innovation, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2017