Rebecca Döhl, "Digitale Aufnahme von Landschaft und Felsbildgruppen mit Laserscanner und Structure-from-Motion im Wadi Berber, Ägypten", in: Undine Lieberwirth and Irmela Herzog (Eds.), 3D-Anwendungen in der Archäologie. Computeranwendungen und quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie. Workshop der AG CAA und des Exzellenzclusters Topoi 2013, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016, 45–58


This paper presents the application of two digital documentation methods in archaeology used for an area with evidence for ancient rock art in Egypt. They involve both the use of a terrestrial laser scanner and the application of the ‘structure from motion’ method. The application of both methods were already compared and discussed extensively in archaeological literature. This article therefore focuses on the practical application of these techniques in recording rock art sites and their environment. The aim is also to present the advantages and disadvantages of the methods in relation to the project requirements.

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