Svend Hansen, Daniel Neumann and Tilmann Vachta, "Raum, Gabe und Erinnerung. Einführung in den Tagungsband", in: Svend Hansen, Daniel Neumann and Tilmann Vachta (Eds.), Raum, Gabe und Erinnerung. Weihgaben und Heiligtümer in prähistorischen und antiken Gesellschaften, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016, 7–15


The concepts of space, gifts, and memory offer great potential for sociohistorical findings in classical studies. Forms of gift exchange and social memory have a culturally specific context, as does the construction of space itself. This volume brings together a broad spectrum of research, ranging from social anthropology to prehistoric and classical archaeology, with cases from Ireland to Central Asia. The contributions open up not only new empirical insights, but also new theoretical perspectives for the study of votive practices since the Bronze Age. The practice of votive offerings features in most ancient religions and extends into the present with its continued use in Christian rites.

Published In

Svend Hansen, Daniel Neumann and Tilmann Vachta (Eds.), Raum, Gabe und Erinnerung. Weihgaben und Heiligtümer in prähistorischen und antiken Gesellschaften, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016