Daniel Knitter, Oliver Nakoinz, Roswitha Del Fabbro, Kay Kohlmeyer, Brigitta Schütt and Michael Meyer, "The Centrality of Aleppo and its Environs", in: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 3 (2014), 107–127
This study analyses the relationship between Aleppo and settlements in the city’s hinterland based on spatial statistics. A theoretical extension of the term central place is used in reconstructing Aleppo’s central character. Locally the city served as a centre for trade, exchange, and cult activity. In a regional and supra-regional context, advantages deriving from the topographic location led trade, exchange, and craft to take on different functions. This study demonstrates that, in constrast to other important cities in the ancient Middle East, Aleppo could maintain its long-lasting significance as a central place due to the combination of different functions.
Published In
Gerd Graßhoff and Michael Meyer (Eds.), eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 3 (2014), Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi