Antonia Hofmann, "Neue Perspektiven - Untersuchung archäologischer Objekte mittels portabler ED-Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse", in: VdR Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut, 2 (2013), 76–81


The article should restorers provide a first insight into the possibilities and limitations of the analysis of different cultural materials using portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis. There, the two devices Artax and Tracer are presented, which are available at the Department of Conservation and Restoration/ Field Archaeology of the University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economy in Berlin (HTW) since three years. Using examples for answering different questions using the handheld device Tracer, limitations and advantages of the method are discussed. For more detail about certain aspects, we refer to the literature cited.

Published In

VdR Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut, 2 (2013), Bonn: Verband der Restauratoren e.V. (VdR)