Brian Beckers, Jonas Berking and Brigitta Schütt, "Ancient water harvesting methods in the drylands of the Mediterranean and Western Asia", in: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 2 (2012/2013) (2013), 145–164


Water harvesting methods were a vital part of the water supply system of many ancient settlements in the drylands of the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. At least since the Bronze Age various water harvesting techniques evolved which in some places are applied even today. Based on literature we give a brief overview and present a tentative classification of these water harvesting methods and present the basic concepts behind these techniques supplemented with references to archaeological case studies.

Published In

Gerd Graßhoff and Michael Meyer (Eds.), eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 2 (2012/2013) (2013), Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi