Dr. Ingo Schrakamp




Publications in Topoi

Incollection 2018
Ingo Schrakamp, "Irrigation in 3rd Millennium Southern Mesopotamia: Cuneiform Evidence from the Early Dynastic IIIb City-State of Lagash (2475–2315 BC)", in: Jonas Berking (Ed.), Water Management in Ancient Civilizations, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2018, 117–195
Thesis 2017
Ingo Schrakamp, Das Bewässerungssystem des präsargonischen Staates von Lagaš (ca. 2475-2310 v. Chr.). Untersuchungen zu den technischen, administrativen, sozioökonomischen und rechtlichen Aspekten eines der ältesten regionalen Irrigationssysteme Südmesopotamiens anhand keilschriftlicher Quellen, 2017
Article 2016
Cornelia Becker, Norbert Benecke, Ana Grabundžija, Hans Christian Küchelmann, Susan Pollock, Wolfram Schier, Chiara Schoch, Ingo Schrakamp, Brigitta Schütt and Martin Schumacher, "The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production between the Near East and Central Europe", in: Space and Knowledge. Topoi Research Group Articles, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 6 (2016), 102–151
