
Research Projects

Professorial Dissertation

  • "Scientific" theory of ethnic stereotypes in Antiquity

    What kind of conclusions did ancient authors draw about the character, customs and even the “nature” of other peoples based on geographic, topographic or climatic characteristics? To differentiate between the “self” and “others”, they constructed stereotypes based on the allegedly objective and verifiable materiality of space. This project analysed these stereotypes themselves and looked at the scientific and cultural/historical background against which these stereotypes were formed and developed as well as whether they became part of or influenced legal codes.

Additional Project

  • Interactive atlas of the ancient Near East

    Das technische Dienstleistungsprojekt “Interaktiver Atlas Alter Orient (IAAO)” sollte Formate zur Visualisierung von Raumzusammenhängen entwickeln: im Vordergrund standen dabei Raumzusammenhänge, wie sie sich aus antiken Textquellen bzw. Archivzusammenhängen antiker Texte ergeben. Diese Fragestellung ist für den Alten Orient von besonderer Relevanz, da die Zahl der nur aus Texten bekannten Ortsnamen ausgesprochen hoch ist.