Starting with the theoretical framework as developed by the art historian, David Summers, this interdisciplinary workshop is designed to explore the manifold ways in which “real’ and “virtual’ spaces interact: the processes of constructing and transforming knowledge of ancient spaces in architecture, art, and literature in (post-)ancient times that generate, depend on, or defy what is considered to be “real’ or “virtual’; the kinds of notions of “real’ and “virtual’ spaces that emerge through these processes; and how these processes have influenced ideas of “real’ and “virtual’ spaces.

Post-docs and doctoral students of Egyptology, Archaeology, Art History, and Literary Studies will present selected finds of their current projects. These papers will form the basis for a critical discussion about D. Summers’s terminology and the relationships between “real’ and “virtual’ spaces as outlined above.

For further information and registration please contact Katalin Schober:

Recommended reading: David Summers. Real Spaces. World Art History and the Rise of Western Modernism. London, New York 2003, pp. 15-60.


09:00 - 09:15
09:15 - 09:50
Altägyptische Felsbilder - Virtual Spaces?
Rebecca Eugénie Döhl
09:50 - 10:25
Fremde Macht am Nil: Die ägyptischen Lokalregenten des 1. Jt. v. Chr. und ihre Interaktion mit dem gesellschaftlichen Raum 'Ägypten'
Jan Moje
11:00 - 11:35
Ruined Spaces. Überlegungen zur Semantik römisch-kaiserzeitlicher Trümmerlandschaften
Christoph Klose
11:35 - 12:10
Die Erkenntnis von 'spiritalia' im zisterzienischen Tractatus de Purgatorio S. Patricii
Maximilian Johannes Benz
13:30 - 14:05
Charles Robert Cockerell: 'classical traveller', Archäologe, Architekt
Katalin Schober
14:05 - 15:00
3D Digital Virtual Spaces as Analysing Tools in Archaeology
Bernhard Fritsch
14:40 - 15:00