
Monday 2 May
10.00 Welcome address: Jürgen Renn (MPIWG, Berlin)
10.30 Michael Stone (Hebrew University, Jerusalem): Secret Books and Secret Traditions in Ancient Judaism
11.30 coffee

12.00 Boris Uspenskij (Naples Oriental University): The Glagolitic alphabet as a Manifestation of Sacred Knowledge
12.45 lunch
14.00 Gebhard Selz (University of Vienna): Remarks on Mesopotamian esotericism and the limits of wisdom: from Enoch to Job
14.45 Cale Johnson (FU Berlin): Dreaming of regime change: The role of oneiromancy in Mesopotamian coups d’état.
15.15 Tal Ilan (FU Berlin): The Torah of the Rabbi to live for, the Knowledge of Women to die for: Timtinis and the Rabbis
16.00 tea

16.30 Alexander Kulik (Hebrew University, Jerusalem): Proto-Gnostic Traditions in Apocalyptic Literature
17.15 Angelika Neuwirth (FU Berlin): Orality as a theologumenon: Communicating hidden knowledge in the Qur’an
Free evening

Tuesday 3 May
10.00 Hans Kippenberg (Jacobs University, Bremen): The practice of dissimulating one’s religious identity in ancient Christianity, Gnosticism and Early Islam
10.45 Dimitri Gutas (Yale University, New Haven, Conn) Knowledge to Lie For: Medieval Affectations of Esoteric Philosophy and Modern Scholarship
11.30 coffee

12.00 Paul Unschuld, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin: The different levels of secret knowledge in Chinese medicine
12.45 lunch

14.00 Antonio Panaino (University of Bologna): A ritual esoteric simulation of the ascent to Paradise in the 3rd c. inscriptions of the Sasanian High Priest Kirder
14.45 Maria Macuch (FU Berlin): Heresy and Esoterism in Sasanian Iran
15.30 tea

16.00 Velizar Sadovski (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Knowledge of magic – magic of knowledge: Atharva-Veda and systematization of universe in sacred tradition of Indo-Iranian
16.45 Jens Braarvig (University of Oslo): Secrecy and open access in historical India – some cases
17.30 (short paper)
Matteo Martelli (HU Berlin):1 Enoch and the first book of alchemy
Dinner for Speakers and Chairpersons 7.00 pm

Wednesday 4 May
10.00 Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst (Brandenburg Academy of Sciences): What did Manichaeans think of dying for your beliefs?
10.45 Yuri Stoyanov (SOAS, London): Dualism as a Proscribed and Secreted Knowledge in pre-modern heterodox forms of Christianity – provenance and evolution
11.30 coffee

11.45 David Shankland (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London): Ritual, secrecy, and the creation of Alevi-tradition in Anatolia
12.30 Closing discussion


Secret Books and Secret Traditions in Ancient Judaism
Michael Stone
The Glagolitic alphabet as a Manifestation of Sacred Knowledge
Boris Uspenskij
Remarks on Mesopotamian esotericism and the limits of wisdom: from Enoch to Job
Gebhard Selz
Dreaming of regime change: The role of oneiromancy in Mesopotamian coups d’état
J. Cale Johnson
The Torah of the Rabbi to live for, the Knowledge of Women to die for: Timtinis and the Rabbis
Tal Ilan
Orality as a theologumenon: Communicating hidden knowledge in the Qur'an
Angelika Neuwirth
The practice of dissimulating one's religious identity in ancient Christianity, Gnosticism and Early Islam
Hans Kippenberg
Knowledge to Lie For: Medieval Affectations of Esoteric Philosophy and Modern Scholarship
Dimitri Gutas
The different levels of secret knowledge in Chinese medicine
Paul Unschuld
A ritual esoteric simulation of the ascent to Paradise in the 3rd c. inscriptions of the Sasanian High Priest Kirder
Antonio Panaino
Heresy and Esoterism in Sasanian Iran
Maria Macuch
Knowledge of magic - magic of knowledge: Atharva-Veda and systematization of universe in sacred tradition of Indo-Iranian
Velizar Sadowski
Secrecy and open access in historical India – some cases
Jens Braarvig
1 Enoch and the first book of alchemy
Matteo Martelli
What did Manichaeans think of dying for your beliefs?
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
Dualism as a Proscribed and Secreted Knowledge in pre-modern heterodox forms of Christianity - provenance and evolution
Yuri Stoyanov
Ritual, secrecy, and the creation of Alevi-tradition in Anatolia
David Shankland
16:30 - 17:15
Proto-Gnostic Traditions in Apocalyptic Literature
Alexander Kulik
00:00 - 00:00
Healing as divine/heavenly knowledge
Florentina Badalanova Geller