Since 2005, a previously unknown fortified residence of the Hellenistic period is being excavated in Jordan’s Tulul adh-Dhahab. Since 2011, the Archäologische Seminar of Marburg University participates in the excavations directed by Thomas Pola (TU Dortmund). The present results are summarised in an extensive preliminary report published in MarbWPr 2015-2016; yet it is still unknown if the site is a Seleucid or a Hasmonaean residence. Starting from Tulul adh-Dhahab, characteristics of fortified residences of the Seleucids and the Hasmonaeans will be discussed.
Die Residenz von Tulu adh-Dhahab im Vergleich mit befestigten Residenzen der Seleukiden und Hasmonäer
Winfried Held