Doxographical texts have long been regarded mainly as a secondary source of philosophical and scientific knowledge which is not preserved in its primary context (e.g., of Presocratic and Hellenistic philosophy, medicine, or natural sciences in general). Although recent studies (cf. the works of Mansfeld/Runia) have taken doxographical texts more seriously by studying them as philosophical or scientific texts in their own right, they still do not pay enough attention to their specific literary forms and structures. In my paper, I will focus on these literary aspects and suggest to analyse Imperial doxographical texts in terms of philosophical or scientific anecdotes. In particular, I will argue that doxographical texts, like proper anecdotes, have a ‘dramatical’ structure and that both genres also share more general features such as anonymity, orality, and fluidity.
Dramatising knowledge. Imperial doxographical texts as philosophico-scientific anecdotes
Marco Blumhofer