The erection of monumental art and the staging of extraordinary ritual events are distinct strategies to organize the built environment and to pattern the behaviour of a greater audience. Under certain circumstances, the two strategies may be intertwined: monuments may commemorate performative events, and performances may be staged in and around specific monuments. The aim of the workshop is to contextualize the relationship between monumental art and performance. Drawing on a number of case studies, the participants will analyze and discuss how the interaction between long‐lasting images and temporary spectacles can be used to shape social space.
The participants are encouraged to present raw ideas and ongoing research. The papers should be kept short (at most 20 minutes) and revolve around “discussion starters,” such as controversial assertions, challenging questions, or unsolved problems. We hope for a live debate!
27.2.2009 | |
Centers and Symbols of Kingship in the Northwest Palace at Nimrud Brian Brown | |
Perspektive des Wirkens: Zur Lage und Bedeutung neuassyrischer Felsreliefs F. Janoscha Kreppner | |
Das Zentrum von Karkemisch als monumentales Palimpsest Alessandra Gilibert | |
Topographie der Erinnerung: Archaimenidische Monumente aus Sicht der Sasaniden Nils Christoph Ritter | |
Der Triumph im alten Rom: Ritual und Bild Darja Šterbenc Erker | |
Die Maxentiusbasilika als Audienzraum des Kaisers: Zwischen herrscherlicher Präsenz und monumentaler Repräsentation Hauke Ziemssen | |
Raum, Ritual und Bildersprache, Anmerkungen zum Parhenonfries und zu den Apadanareliefs Lorenz Winkler-Horacek | |
Royal Triumphs as an aspect of the Neo Assyrian decorative programme Natalie Naomi May |